There are two main influences on our work: our long association with John Strasberg, and our study of Brecht's work with actors. In fact, the idea for ActingIsReality grew out of teaching in a summer program at Accidental Repertory Theater/John Strasberg Studios in 2009 in which one of us taught a course based on Brecht's essay "What among other things can be learned from Stanislavsky." (A discussion of the essay can be found on our Blog.)
The goal of ActingIsReality classes is to help the actor develop his or her personal process of creating a role. The key elements of that process are:
- Making and maintaining contact with one's self
- Making and maintaining contact with one's fellow actors
- Analyzing the script so as to be able to imagine the world of the play including the thoughts and behavior of the character
- Developing habits of behavior that allow the actor to live spontaneously in the world of the play
How each actor accomplishes these tasks will depend on the actor's personality, talent, and life experience. One size does not fit all.
Classes will focus on scene work, including assigned and elective scenes. We may also use exercises from the teachings of Brecht, Stanislavsky, Viola Spolin, Augusto Boal, and others. We strive to create an environment that is serious and professional, and at the same time supportive and enjoyable.